An Old Fashioned Saturday Morning Christmas With Tom & Jerry

I would encourage you to pull the kiddies around and see what Saturday morning television and Christmas features used to be about. Sure some still do have great lessons, but not to the extent of the old cartoons. Remember this was also network television. There are a couple of things I would recommend noticing, and then thinking about, talking about, and applying to each individual life.
One of the things is to notice how the plot of Tom and Jerry is essentially the same as all of the others, the two are after each other and trying to get at each other, in the same way that people are often behaving, especially if watching the news of the mad rush on the day after Thanksgiving known as Black Friday when everyone is rushing to get the latest. This was seen no place more so than the rush to get the PS3 before Thanksgiving. People have the tendency to be greedy, and during this time of year, it is easy to get caught up on individual needs as opposed to the needs of others around you. In this cartoon you see that happening with Tom and Jerry, but, thankfully it does not end there.

As you watch today's feature, remember you can click here to learn more about what The Virtual Pew is doing this Christmas season. There are a number of blogs that have started already and will continue until the Christmas Season, featuring videos each day. There has already been the posting of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and The Christmas Shoes feature, including the full length movie. You can also click here to see more about ways you can give a unique Christmas gift this year through The Virtual Pew. If not wanting to give one of those gifts in kind from The Virtual Pew you can click on The Virtual Pew home page, visit the store, and shop through Amazon and we will receive a small portion of the profits from those sales. All of these allow us to continue the ministry. Hopefully The Virtual Pew blesses you with these special gifts this holiday season. Until next time, Merry Christmas, and for our friends of other faiths, Blessings to you.
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I love Tom & Jerry, I just wish that the ol cat would get the mouse at some point. This is a 1941 Christmas Classic, made during a time that all seemed to be well.
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