Am I going to Hell Because I love Rob Zombie and Sky Lopez?

I will comment much more on Rob Zombie as that is where I get the bulk of my questions. Of course I have been praying a great deal lately for Sky Lopez as well. The young lady has made change in her life and whiile she has some growing to do, I find it much more appropriate to pray for her than be critical of her. Lord knows, she is an example of how we as Christians often fail to love.
Here is the facts, I appreciate Rob Zombie, and consider him a gifted person that for whatever reason I have always appreciated. I like the fact he addresses spiritual issues in his music and movies. He is not always critical of Christians, although some Christians assume he is the devil incarnate. Normally the issue of "promoting" Rob Zombie comes up in the conversations; "Why would I as a Christian promote someone like Rob Zombie?" "Why do I encourage people to see his movies?" These are questions I am asked over and over.

Here are some verses to think about regarding this Jesus I would encourage those critical of Christians and the way they judge, and or Christians who think we are appropriate for shunning the world to take a look at these verses. At the conclusion of the verses is a little more commentary, not much but read on through the end.
Luke 15:1-32

John 3:16
Acts 5:14
John 19:15
John 3:17
Luke 19:10
Luke 5:29-32
John 4:13-26
John 8:3-11
Luke 7:36-50
Mat 21:28-32
I make some of the following themes a little easier for some, this will require less study.
Jesus perspective on children, and our own attitudes related to them, even their willingness to be innocent and not afraid of interacting with others. I would challenge on this one to notice how a child loves unconditionally. Of course that don't mean we should be like children in every way, but I say far more ways than we normally are in regards to how we treat other people.
Matthew 19:13-15
Matthew 18:1-4
Jesus and his love towards the poor, and what that meant in that culture. Remember the poor were judged not just for their poverty, but in a spiritual way. Religious people were told to have nothing to do with the poor, to stay away from them by many in society, including religious leaders who had perverted God's law for their own usage.
Matthew 11:1-5
2 Corinthians 8:9
Jesus attitude towards the sick; I could mention many of the same things here that I did regarding the poor..
Matthew 14:13-14
John 4:4-42
Matthew 28:19
Acts 15:9
Jesus was a friend to sinners, not just in a preverbal sense but in a real way.
Romans 5:6-8
John 1:29
1 Peter 1:18-19
Jesus message to the sinners and those who weren't religious. What did he say, look at what the Bible really says here.
Acts 2:38
Acts 13:38
Romans 1:16
None of us are any better than anyone else, no matter what we might think. In fact putting ourselves above others in any manner is sin. That is what it is when someone says, we shouldn't pray for, care about, and develop relationships with people like Rob Zombie, Sky Lopez or on and on.

Romans 3:9-12
Romans 3:23
Isaiah 64:6
Hebrews 4:15
Jesus, despite the company he kept called us to be his friends, and thus hang out with his friends. Ever notice that there were always crowds around Jesus, consisting of all kinds of people, ever stop to think that some of those "bad people" came because they had relationships with "good people" who had invited them along.
John 15:13

Matthew 11:28-29
Mark 16:15-16
Matthew 28:18-20
1 Timothy 2:4
John 15:14
Matthew 7:21
There are consequences of not serving and loving those whom Jesus calls Friend. It is amazing how we will promote things like soup kitchens, homeless shelters, but then have a different standard for those folks and real folks who are also real, but just happen to be in the spotlight.
Matthew 25: 31-46
I could have used many more verses, verses that talk about how we are supposed to be attacking the gates of hell instead of letting it attack us. I could have made my point more by spelling every little thing out from Scripture that is clear as to who and how we are to love. But..., it is pretty important you do some of that search yourself if you have doubts. As for me, I'll say this, if my love and passion for the person of Rob Zombie and people like him is promotion of Rob Zombie, it should be ground breaking news that the biggest promoter of Rob Zombie has isn't Mike Furches, but Jesus Christ. Maybe it is time we quit throwing stones and start showing people real love in the same way Jesus did, including admiring their gifts, and seeking to show them love instead of hatred wrapped in the costume of love, just as if it were some Halloween costume seeking to do the ultimate of tricks on a unsuspecting searcher of truth. I'm not telling you to all of a sudden start your journey of reaching out to people like this. Get rooted and grounded in the things of Christ first, then listen to his Spirit as you seek out to develop relationships. I will assure you, they aren't just for the holy righteous crowd, but for those who need to hear the message of Christ. They come in all walks and all vocations. See the gifts and abilities that God has given. Then, after starting off in a positive place, a place where you see them in the same way Christ saw them, maybe, just maybe, you will be more effective, and judged less by those who don't know Christ. Let the Holy Spirit do his job, and you do yours, love!

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Till now I wasn't able to sit through an entire movie that Rob Zombie has Directed... for the simple reason, that I just could not. I am a moderate fan of Horror movies, and enjoy the odd one here and there. I just finished watching "Halloween", and am not as scared to death about how realistic it was, but more so not being able to think of a reason as to WHY it disturbed me. I need to do some soul searching before anything... or perhaps I'm just one of the lazy thinkers and take it at face value...
i am rob zombies biggest fan and i
aunistly have the uttmost respect
for him i look up to him in so many
different ways. i am currantly
going to college to do what he's
doing which is my long lifes dream
and hopfully i would be able to
work with him someday.
"I LUV U ROBBIE!!!!!!"
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