Christmas Shoes

It was after working in the office for a couple of hours, during a mid morning break that I finally heard the song on the radio for the first time. I have to tell you the truth, I didn't get through the song before the tears started to flow. Truth is I was moved by this story of love of a son for his mother. I was in some ways reminded what Christmas was all about. The love that each of us can share for each other and the ultimate act of love that was shown to all of humanity by Jesus Christ coming to earth to be born in a feeding troth because of God's ultimate love for all of humanity.
The truth is, and I know Newsong realizes it because I am familiar with the band, is that God desires to have a relationship with all of humanity, and in the process, he expects and desires us to love each other. No love can be displayed better than the ultimate realization of a young boy that he is losing his mother. He wants to show love in a way that is so simple and yet, so effective. This song represents that and can be a reminder to all of us that God wants us to show others around us that we love them. Truth is, as I have unfortunately learned over the years, we don't always know when the last time we might say goodbye to a loved one is. As a result, take the opportunity to share your love with them. As commented on in a recent newsletter from The Virtual Pew that you can see from clicking here, I don't have a lot to give this Christmas, so I have to be unique in the way that I can give. These efforts including these videos is an act of love to those out there reading these comments. I am including a variety of videos for Christmas Shoes, a number of music videos including fan videos and of course the television movie in 10 parts. Don't worry it isn't that hard to watch each of these, you can go right from one to another, and regarding the movie, take breaks after each approximate 10 minute segment.
Pass along the blogs and articles from The Virtual Pew and me over the next weeks to friends and family. Hopefully your sharing of these blogs with others can be an act of love on your part. Better yet though, share the blogs with friends and family, while at the same time telling them that you love them. You may also want to pass along the information here regarding the Christmas Gifts that The Virtual Pew is giving you over the next weeks. You can see the basic information by clicking here.
An interesting little tid bit, the song is based off of a true story that occurred at an Alco store just north of Wichita where I now live in a town called Newton Kansas. I'll never forget my daughter telling me about the story and the stories that surround it. Again, hope you enjoy and thanks again for visiting The Virtual Pew.
Enjoy and God Bless,
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A Fan Video I appreciate and like, I actually like the still photo's and little boy in this video.
The Newsong Christmas Video from the Television Show. This one will get you to want to watch the movie that follows.
A Local Church Production. An effective and good cover of this song.
An Animated Christmas Shoes. Using Anime and Animation a fun production.
Christmas Light Display Christmas Shoes. This one is fun to look at, kind of like the Christmas Lights Video from the Siberian Orchestra
Sorry but can't show the video but you can visit it here at this link:
The Christmas Shoes Movie 1/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 2/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 3/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 4/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 5/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 6/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 7/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 8/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 9/10
The Christmas Shoes Movie 10/10
Hi, I am from Newton... My mother told me this story when I was younger when I hurd it on the radio. It brought me to tears too!:) Thank you for posting this story I really appreciate it.
Thanks and God Bless
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