Merry Christmas?

People often look at the holiday and see if for something other than what it is. They forget the root of Christmas, is Christ, and the root of Holiday is Holy. When we say Merry Christmas, we reference Christ birthday whether we realize it or not. When we say Happy Holidays we are saying have a Happy Holy Day whether we realize it or not. I guess a question I could ask is; "Do we make a regular habit of speaking meaningless words?"

One of my favorite books of the Bible is James, it is a short book and anyone can read it in less than 30 minutes. One of the things people notice, especially if thinking about what they are reading, is how upfront the Bible is about our words having integrity, and the need to speak truth. James is not the only part of the Bible that talks about this, Jesus spoke it, Paul taught it, and many others talk about the value of words. With this strong admonition in the Bible, we still take this issue lightly. Then we wonder why we do not have the results or the relationships we desire.

Maybe I am just trying to be too rationale. Maybe I am taking things too seriously. I don’t know, am I? Maybe we should be okay with being pawns in a society who is satisfied with loneliness, poor relationships, and broken families. Then again, maybe some of us want more we want all Christmas has to offer, not just the presents but a real understanding of the Prince of Peace, The Wonderful Counselor, The Giver of all Gifts, The Star of Bethlehem, The Son of God. I guess that can be the thing to think about with the videos we conclude with today. Are you like the actors or are you wanting to be different? After all, I hope life is just as Shakespeare described, you know the old saying; "Life is more than just an act."

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Now prior to checking out the videos for the day, here is that information, contact and contribution information regarding The Virtual Pew. Again, thanks for visiting, have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Just remember though, from The Virtual Pew, we wish you a Merry Christmas.
Contact and Giving Information
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The Simpsons Christmas Stories 1/3
The Simpsons Christmas Stories 2/3
The Simpsons Christmas Stories 3/3
Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir Christmas Concert 1/4
Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir Christmas Concert 2/4
Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir Christmas Concert 3/4
Jerry Garcia and Bob Weir Christmas Concert 4/4
Full House Our First Christmas Show 1/3
Full House Our First Christmas Show 2/3
Full House Our First Christmas Show 3/3
Full House Christmas Episode 1
Full House Christmas Episode 2
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