Are You Dreaming of a White Christmas?

I am not sure where the desires started. I have heard that in other parts of the world Santa travels in a different way, in Holland I know he is portrayed as traveling on a boat. I have seen photos of him on a surfboard in Hawaii, and I know that in parts of Europe he travels on the back of a donkey. So I know the concept of Santa on a sled is not the sole reason for the white Christmas wishes we seem to have in North America.

I think part of the reason has to do with the success of certain movies, movies such as White Christmas. Our society is heavily influenced by things like movies, books and the arts in general. This is a sad thing to think about with the cut backs to the arts in recent history.
Many people do not realize how much their perceptions have been influenced by others. Whether commercials, or movies, the news media, or books, we have all had outside sources influence our perceptions. I guess the question I have, is how much have our perceptions of Christmas been influenced by these outside sources. The real meaning of Christmas is found in various books of The New Testament when we read about the birth of Jesus and the events that surrounded it. It doesn't take much of an effort to refocus out thoughts about Christmas. All we have to do is turn to the pages of the Bible and take a read that will last no longer than 30 minutes.
I have heard that the new movie The Nativity does a pretty good job of painting the images of the Bible onto the screen. I plan on seeing the movie prior to Christmas day and hope those stories are true. I know I need the reminder as to the real meaning of Christmas, and I tend to focus on it with my vocation.

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Now prior to checking out the videos for the day, here is that information, contact and contribution information regarding The Virtual Pew. Again, thanks for visiting, have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Just remember though, from The Virtual Pew, we wish you a Merry Christmas.
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Carrie Underwood Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Ali Lohan Rockin Around The Christmas Tree
Sugababies White Christmas
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A Boondocks Christmas
Twas The Day Before Christmas
Rockos Christmas Part 1
Rockos Christmas Part 2
Rockos Christmas Part 3
Ed Grimley The Fella Who Couldn't Wait for Christmas
Sesame Street Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Christmas Magic Ali Lohan
A Christmas Vacation Funny Lines
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Mary Did You Know
Mandy Moore Winter Wonderland
Christmas 2005 ABFAB Special
Bruce Springsteen Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
U2 It's Christmas Baby Please Come Home
Jessica Simpson O Holy Night
Take 6 Live Joy To The World/Christmas Meley
Melanie C Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Band Aid 1984 Do They Know It's Christmas
O Holy Night David Phelps
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