Christmas Alone?

Many times we are at home, living with family, and yet, for all practical purposes we are still alone. Maybe depression has set in; maybe we are so caught up in activities that we do not give the people we love the time of day. I have to admit, this is a serious mistake I have made in the past. This is especially easy to do when one is involved in "ministry" or work similar to what I do. I and many others have forgotten that our first ministry is to our families, and those we are close to. I have a lot to learn in this area, I know that, I only pray God will continue to teach me the things I need.

Here is my challenge with today's thought, think of ways you can take some of your time and give it to the very people you love. If you have not figured out yet, many of the videos I have been posting have nothing to do with the blogs, others do. One thing that has been a constant though is that the last video of the blog has something to do with the blog, and is placed as a last thought to get you to think about what I have shared. There are other videos to enjoy along the way, and there will be close to 500 videos you can look at in the archives.
Now before the weekend officially starts, go to a loved one, tell them that you love them and want to spend some time with them. Hopefully you are not at the place of the character in the Harry Chapin song Cats in a Cradle. Hopefully you can salvage the relationships you have by realizing they can only be built on love, love that requires spending time with each other.
Now before we get to the videos today, hopefully everyone will remember to pass the blogs along to your friends. The Christmas Special blogs from TVP can help a lot of people. You can show them what we are doing by Clicking Here at this Link. They can also get in the Christmas Spirit by Clicking Here and reading about The Virtual Pew and our Christmas giving options. Also be on the lookout for my story of The Best Christmas Ever, which will be posted around Christmas Day. It is a heart tugging story, and a true testament to the power of Christmas and God. I am really looking forward to retelling this story that is true, and happened to me and my family. It has been published across the world, and I will redo the story, just for The Virtual Pew.
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are numerous postings, and you will have to go into the archives to see the 100 plus postings over the last months.

Now prior to checking out the videos for the day, here is that information, contact and contribution information regarding The Virtual Pew. Again, thanks for visiting, have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Just remember though, from The Virtual Pew, we wish you a Merry Christmas.
Contact and Giving Information
Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
Or you van give on line via Pay Pal at:
To become a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more in depth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately videos for viewing and teaching. You can also subscribe to the newsletter at or see the newsletter on line at You can also sign up for the free newsletter from The Virtual Pew by visiting the main page for The Virtual Pew, or you can see the newsletters online by visiting this web site: You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.
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andt Merry Christmas
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A Christmas Wish
Good advice. It is important to take time out to give to others & to connect with family. For those without any family, if you can take them into your extended family circle, wonderful! If you can't you might want to recommend a service that matches adults to create surrogate extended families.
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