The Ultimate Busted!

That is the way life is and one of the reminders of the Christmas season. How many people set plans, have ideas, and things happen to where what they were wanting just does not happen? We go shopping, and the item we were going to buy is gone, we plan on a job, only to find out someone else has been hired, we plan to pay certain bills, and realize the car tags or something else unexpected is due. Things do not always happen like we plan.

I love my faith. One of the things people do not always realize is that for the Christian, our hope and understanding is not in the here and now, it is in the future. Paul addresses this in some of his writings, while we have hope for the future, there is no guarantee that the future the Bible speaks about is in the here and now. It is the hope in the future, in our after life, in other words, for the Christian; the hope is for Heaven and the eternity in Heaven. When looking at things from that perspective, I have come to the conclusion that Scripture provides long term, permanent hope.
I realize that not everyone reading this has that long term hope, yet, hope and the promises are available. I sincerely believe the hope I have in Christ, and the hope I have in eternal life provides me the motivation I need to overcome the obstacles in life, whether financial, addictions, debt, or whatever. I may have to go through some effort to resolve those difficulties, but I challenge, there is a reason that a follower of Christ can feel joy and a sense of freedom. It is not because they are crazy, but because they understand the real power of Christ.

This experience can be used as an illustration that sometimes life is tough and we face obstacles. In those situations, endure, but, do not just endure, be careful not to put ourselves in those situations. Truth is, sometimes the reason for difficulty is no ones fault but our own. While God will still be there to help, we need to understand there are natural consequences for natural actions.
Jesus came to give us life and then as a result of receiving the life he offers we can experience eternity. We can live life now in a more abundant way. Not necessarily in a material sense, but certainly in a spiritual sense. That gift God offered through his son Jesus is a free gift, but just as any other gift, we have to accept it, and open it. What you choose to do with that gift is up to you. If leaving it wrapped and not accepting it, it really will not do you, or those around you much good. Good luck on your decision.

Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are numerous postings, and you will have to go into the archives to see the 100 plus postings over the last months.
Now I also want to remind you that you can visit and on the front page scroll down to the left hand side of the page where you sill see our store. Your purchases through our Amazon store provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something on the page to buy, you can click on the search engine for the store, (do not put anything in the search box at this time) and you will then be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully as you shop for Christmas you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew and/or at the very least shop our store. The items on the store page are highly recommended.
Now prior to checking out the videos for the day, here is that information, contact and contribution information regarding The Virtual Pew. Again, thanks for visiting, have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Just remember though, from The Virtual Pew, we wish you a Merry Christmas.
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Garfield Christmas 1/2
Garfield Christmas 2/2
A Snowman's Best Friend
A Charlie Brown Christmas
Donny Phantom The Fright Before Christmas
NKOTB Funky Christmas
Bing Crosby White Christmas
The Clark Sisters O Come Emmanuel
Nsync Merry Christmas Happy Holidays
Carrie Underwood O Holy Night
Amy Diamond Rockin Around The Christmas Tree
Sponge Bob The Very First Christmas To Me
Christmas Rose Online Hark The Herald
Nat King Cole Chestnuts
Boys II Men Let it Snow
Elvis Presley Blue Christmas
Silent Night Fingerstyle Guitar
Disney Christmas Song
Linus & Lucy Theme by Vince Guaraldi
Paul McCartney & Wings Wonderful Christmas Time
Cliff Richard The Christmas Song
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