A Country Christmas

You know the photos of that tradition don't you, snow covered scenes, horse drawn carriages, and Christmas decorations every place you turn. I don't know why this appeals to me, but from the number of photographs, and movies where I have seen this scene, I know I am not the only one.
Despite the desire to see and spend Christmas in a location like this, I am reminded by the fact that Jesus was born in an inner city, among the poorest of the poor while his family was in Bethlehem filling out the census for the Roman Empire. That association with the city, and the poor would never leave Jesus.
Jesus had a deep appealing love for the city and the poor. In fact, the majority of his ministry was within this area. There are lessons we can learn from that association as we look at the birth of the Savior during this Holiday Season.

Yet, Jesus Christ lived a life among the people that many considered untouchable. He gave, and gave, and loved to the point of death. It is that Savior that came to be born as a babe, to give and love, even those who were considered by society as unlovable. He forwent personal pleasure to make sacrifice and offers of love.
What can we learn from the example of Jesus? I would hope that we all learn the importance of at least taking time to love those whom Jesus loved, not just at Christmas but all year round. To give and show what we consider love one time a year is in fact not love, it is a tease. This is a tease to the poor and needy that in reality does far more harm than good. If the intent of that one time a year gift is for good, rethink the position. Find a ministry like The Virtual Pew that attempts to do good. Realize though, that even here, we have our own specialized area. There are other ministries that do more in certain areas than we do. I say that because who you give to and who you support is among you and God. I will say though, that it isn't just money that organizations need, it is acts of service and volunteerism.
Today's videos are going to look at some of the old fashioned Christmas ideas that are associated with nature, i.e. location in particular. It may be a Yogi Bear Christmas because of the nature and mountains, it may be a song that brings back Christmas memories. In all of that though, reflect on the Christmases and birthdays that Jesus lived. Think about who he served, and then find a way to live that life and celebrate its meanings this Christmas

Now for those that don't know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew they will be on the right hand side of the page. If visiting MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there.
Now we also want to remind you that you can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page scroll down to the left hand side of the page where you sill see our store. Your purchases through our Amazon store provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you don't see something on the page to buy, you can click on the search engine for the store, (don't put anything in the search box at this time) and you will then be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully as you shop for Christmas you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew and/or at the very least shop our store. The items on the store page are highly recommended.
Now prior to checking out the videos for the day, here is that information, contact and contribution information regarding The Virtual Pew. Again, thanks for visiting, have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Just remember though, from The Virtual Pew, we wish you a Merry Christmas.
Contact and Giving InformationOh Yea, here is that contact information again.
Kenny G Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Celine Dion I Met an Angel on Christmas Day
The Country Bear Christmas Special
Rascal Flats Mary Did You Know
Aretha Franklin & Frankie Valli That's Life
Sting Gabriel's Message
An Emerald Christmas With The Horde
Friends TOW Christmas In Tulsa 1/3
Friends Tow Christmas in Tulsa 2/3
Friends TOW Christmas in Tulsa 3/3
Emmet Otters Jug Band
Celine Dion and Rosey O'Donnell The Magic of Christmas Day
Clay Aiken My Grown Up Christmas List
Simple Plan Christmas List
Do They Know It's Christmas Live Aid 1985
Greatest Time of Year Aly & AJ
Happy Christmas War is Over John Lennon
Band Aid 20 Do They Know It's Christmas
Faith Hill Where Are You Christmas Grinch
It's A Wonderful Life Ending
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