Christmas in a New Way with Trans Siberian Orchestra

The Trans Siberian Orchestra reminds me a great deal of one of my favorite bands of all time, The Electric Light Orchestra, or ELO as many came to know them by. They have also been compared to Pink Floyd but I personally believe the ELO association is more accurate. They do an wonderful job of mixing rock guitar alongside of orchestration to bring about a wonderful blend of music and emotion. Their extravagant stage productions makes one think of the ELO days when they would do concerts on a stage that resembled a UFO. TSO likely also has the most elaborate lighting show in music today.
One of the things that impress me about Trans Siberian Orchestra is their refusal to compromise on all aspects of the music they perform. As a result, they are booked pretty much solid, everyday, from the first of November to the first of January with the exception of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On several of those days they do 2 or more concerts. The lavish stage production shows the understanding of pleasing the eye. The wonderful production show an understanding of pleasing the ear, and the wonderful recognition of the old hymns and modern adaptations show an understanding of the true meaning of Christmas.

Like I said earlier, if I could have one selfish gift this year, attending their concert with my wife in Kansas City or Oklahoma City would be it. Since that isn’t likely going to happen because I don't have the $125 for tickets I have had to settle for some of the wonderful videos and songs on YouTube. I also got to tape on the DVR the Christmas Special being featured on PBS this month. My wife hadn't heard of the band, so I will assume some of you have not either. Watch the videos that follow The Virtual Pew giving and posting information and see for yourself what I am talking about. I don't think you will be disappointed. You may have heard them and did not realize it.
On a side note, be patient for the Ultimate Christmas Blog with videos. There are many videos available in the archives here and I encourage you to visit them and take a look. There are many more to go, and I am still working on the ultimate blog. I am going to take a little time off today, enjoy a little break, and do some work at the house. So they won't be up today, but I think I will have the ultimate blog up by the weekend. Right now I have over a hundred videos up linked and ready to go, and another 100+ to get ready.

Now for those that don't know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew they will be on the left hand side of the page. If visiting MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there.
Now we also want to remind you that you can visit and on the front page scroll down to the left hand side of the page where you sill see our store. Your purchases through our Amazon store provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you don't see something on the page to buy, you can click on the search engine for the store, (don't put anything in the search box at this time) and you will then be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully as you shop for Christmas you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew and/or at the very least shop our store. The items on the store page are highly recommended.
Now prior to checking out the videos for the day, here is that information, contact and contribution information regarding The Virtual Pew. Again, thanks for visiting, have a Merry Christmas or whatever holiday you celebrate. Just remember though, from The Virtual Pew, we wish you a Merry Christmas.

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