Boxers, Muscle Cars, Jubee & Wrestling for Jesus!

Prior to leaving for Fargo some time back now, I was in over my head. I had a new ministry going, trying to get everything in place, still am in fact, and life was, well I just don’t know any other way to say it, but life seemed to be a bitch. A huge part was the pressure of being dependant on other people. I still am and hate being in that place. You have to wait, learn patience, and ultimately survive at the mercy of others. Then I got back from Fargo, things escalated and kind of have been until the last week or two. Since then, I feel like a manic depressive on a manic stage going to town to pick up some happy pills.
Truth is, as of recent, with the exception of still having to wait on some things, (maybe God is teaching me patience, but I am ready to move on God) things have actually been going pretty good. Let me explain.

The last two uncles, JD and Bill Estep were great boxers. JD in fact used to say that Bill was the better boxer. That was hard to imagine because JD held, I think he still does, the record for the most consecutive Golden Glove National Championships. In fact he fought Jimmy Ellis in the Olympic trials and lost in a very controversial split decision by one point. Ellis went on to win the gold medal, and became Heavy Weight Champion of the World. Many who saw that fight say JD should have, and in fact did win.
I recently got an email from an individual in Arizona who had seen an article I wrote that mentioned JD. He contacted me and low and behold, this individual was a fighter who had fought heavy weight for JD some years ago in a club he had started with the Job Corps back in Tennessee. Since then this person and I have had several interesting and fun emails back and forth. It is a reminder of the family I have left, that I have lost and are now gone, and of individuals who are great people, but sometimes need a helping hand.

Shortly before Fargo, I told Nathan that if he did well, made the cut, wrestled strong, I would buy him a car. Now don’t think I was bribing, him, truth is he needed a car and he is at the age where I realized he needed some independence. The other truth is he had never cut the weight he did and we wanted to have some motivation that would help insure he did it the right way.
We hoped an older model car with a standard Chevy block engine. We wanted something we could learn to work on and play with if you will, together. We looked long and hard and had just about given up. I was at the point of recommending a newer model car. Nathan had the option of several cars much newer and, much better shape. I decided to post on the local Wichita area groups letting people know we were looking for a car. Within a day, I had an email telling me of a car for sale here in Wichita. The car was almost exactly what we had been looking for. A 1977 Chevy Impala, with dual exhaust, new wheels, a fairly new paint job, and more. The price was right and the work that needed to be done we could get done, (in fact it is getting done as I type) and the other things on the car we didn’t have the money for where things we could work on together. I learned another lesson, God can give you the desires of your heart if you are just patient. Darned, there is that patience concept again.

I guess I just happen to believe I know where that truth is, it is in Jesus Christ. That don’t mean I don’t still wrestle with life, in fact, I do on a constant basis. But God has a way of winning battles for me. He has a way of putting people in my path that can remind me of family. He has a way of using things like MySpace to help build a relationship between my son and I that goes beyond just wrestling. He even has a way to find crazy people with my sense of humor to put in my path to make me laugh and have some fun when I am feeling down like Jubee. God in reality is an amazing God, and while I am wrestling with a lot of things, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, I know that ultimately, because I am wrestling for Jesus that the ultimate judge is in my corner. If he is in my corner, who can be against me? Yea I know a lot of folks, but I think I’m on the winning team.
Oh Yea, here is that contact information again.
The Virtual Pew
P.O. Box 17731
Wichita, KS 67217
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