Jesus at the Grocery Store

Hi! Mike asked if I would be willing to do the blog today, so here goes. I must begin by saying that August is usually a tough month for us financially. It seems that no matter how hard we try, we are always counting pennies and praying that God will meet our needs until my September check comes. Well, today was no different. I was going to prepare lunch and didn’t have any bread or buns for the hamburger patties I found in the refrigerator. Our son, Nathan, began helping me count change that I had left over from a yard sale a few weeks ago so I could go to the store to get some hamburger buns and maybe potato chips, a treat we hadn’t had recently. We carefully counted out the quarters, dimes, and nickels until I had a little over $3.00 to go to the store. So I left and drove the short distance to the store. Upon arriving, I thought I would double check my wallet one more time just in case I would find some more money in there. Much to my surprise, I found a folded bill crumpled down in the bill section. I thought, “Yes, another dollar!” Well, when I pulled it out, it was a ten! WOW! I was so excited and I said, “Thank You Jesus!”
I quickly started thinking of a few other items we needed, so I made a mental note of things I would purchase and if I had the money, I would get a pack of Little Debbie cakes. Nathan has been wrestling and watching his weight and hadn’t had anything like that for a little over 3 weeks, and now that he had finished at Fargo, his diet wasn’t limited. So I entered the grocery store and began my short journey through the aisles. Well, the first thing on display when I walked in was potato chips….ON SALE! So I reached for a package of those delicious KC Masterpiece chips and said under my breath as I placed them in the cart, “Thank You, Jesus!”
My next stop was at the hamburger buns. As I glanced over the various brands, my eyes were led to another little bright sign beneath a certain brand read $ .89. I was thinking that God was surely listening to me as I lifted the package and prayerfully said, “Thank You, Jesus!”
As I made my way down the aisle toward the dairy case, I passed Little Debbie Cakes and guess what…..the kind Nathan likes was ON SALE! Now I was really getting excited. I almost couldn’t believe that the first three items I came in to get were all on sale! As they joined the other items in my buggy, another “Thank You Jesus” erupted from my lips. If anyone noticed, I don’t know, I was so excited I wasn’t aware of anyone else around.

God knew how much money I had and what I needed to get. That’s just the way He is. He always knows what we have to work with and if we follow Him and trust Him, He will always meet our every need! Not a deep theological blog for today and hope you haven’t been bored reading it. Some may say, “Aw, it was just a coincidence!” but you will never convince me otherwise!
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