Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Thirsty God

It amazes me at the correspondence I get from the blog postings. The way God has opened up doors for ministry has been rather phenomenal. Just today I was responding to several communications specific to the concept of Salvation. Then, low and behold, my daily study takes me to Romans 5, a passage that talks about what it means to be acceptable to God.

Becoming acceptable to God is part of the perception problem we must overcome. We assume we can become this special person or come to this place where we deserve of Gods’ love, or at the very least, God’s acceptance.

There are many concepts about God I don’t know; I will gladly admit that, after all, I’m not God. There are some things I have come to understand over the years though. Some are, God is perfect, holy, jealous, and yet, loving. It is the perfect and holy part I’ll touch on today.

I often use an analogy that offends some folks. I ask the question: “Ever been working out really hard and really desire a cold glass of water?” Then I ask, “How much manure or sewage would have to be in the cup of water before you refuse to drink it?” I have never heard anyone say any amount of sewage was acceptable. In fact, they make it clear, even the smallest miniscule amount of sewage keeps the water from being pure. I then state; “That’s how it is with our sin. God is like that pure glass of pure water, perfect in every way. Even the smallest amount of sin keeps us from being at the place where Gods’ holiness can maintain its purity and goodness. There is however a perfect filtration system that keeps the water pure, even though we may not start out that way. The purification system is Jesus. Jesus can take all of the crap about us, all of the things that make us undesirable, and when our sins are filtered through Christ, we become pure to God and thus he can maintain his holiness and purity, while having us in his presence. Not because of what we have done, but because of what Christ has done in purifying us.”

Read Romans 5 for yourself, included here in the Contemporary English Version to see that analogy put in its original form.

(1) By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God. (2) Christ has also introduced us to God's undeserved kindness on which we take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God. (3) But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. (4) And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope (5) that will never disappoint us. All of this happens because God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love.

(6) Christ died for us at a time when we were helpless and sinful. (7) No one is really willing to die for an honest person, though someone might be willing to die for a truly good person. (8) But God showed how much he loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were sinful.

(9) But there is more! Now that God has accepted us because Christ sacrificed his life's blood, we will also be kept safe from God's anger. (10) Even when we were God's enemies, he made peace with us, because his Son died for us. Yet something even greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, we will be saved by his Son's life. (11) And in addition to everything else, we are happy because God sent our Lord Jesus Christ to make peace with us.

(12) Adam sinned, and that sin brought death into the world. Now everyone has sinned, and so everyone must die. (13) Sin was in the world before the Law came. But no record of sin was kept, because there was no Law. (14) Yet death still had power over all who lived from the time of Adam to the time of Moses. This happened, though not everyone disobeyed a direct command from God, as Adam did.

In some ways Adam is like Christ who came later. (15) But the gift that God was kind enough to give was very different from Adam's sin. That one sin brought death to many others. Yet in an even greater way, Jesus Christ alone brought God's gift of kindness to many people.

(16) There is a lot of difference between Adam's sin and God's gift. That one sin led to punishment. But God's gift made it possible for us to be acceptable to him, even though we have sinned many times. (17) Death ruled like a king because Adam had sinned. But that cannot compare with what Jesus Christ has done. God has been so kind to us, and he has accepted us because of Jesus. And so we will live and rule like kings.

(18) Everyone was going to be punished because Adam sinned. But because of the good thing that Christ has done, God accepts us and gives us the gift of life. (19) Adam disobeyed God and caused many others to be sinners. But Jesus obeyed him and will make many people acceptable to God.

(20) The Law came, so that the full power of sin could be seen. Yet where sin was powerful, God's kindness was even more powerful. (21) Sin ruled by means of death. But God's kindness now rules, and God has accepted us because of Jesus Christ our Lord. This means that we will have eternal life.

The truth is, none of us can do anything to deserve knowing God or deserving of Heaven. However, Christ can do it for us. He can be our purification system. I know that many will think the blog today is for those that don't know Christ, and part of it is. However, we all need reminding of the fact, that on our own, unplugged from the purifier, we are dirty. We all need Christ, and his help. That process isn’t difficult but it is one we need reminded of. For some of us, it means buying into the system, for others, it might mean just turning the purifier back on because it is already there. What you do, and where you are at is up to you. Been working hard? Times tough? Think about it, God is thirsty, and you are his cup of water, want to give Him something He desires? He’s made away, it’s up to you what you do.

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ To learn more about me visit http://www.furches.org/ I am also active on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/mikefurches I have another blog at http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus You can contact me via email at mike@furches.org or mike@thevirtualpew.com

Friday, May 26, 2006

By Our Love

You know the truth is, sometimes we depend too much on technology. I found that out this week when my computer went down for a couple of days. I am so far behind it is unreal. Well, time to catch up.

I appreciated all of the comments and feedback on the blog on Integrity on the Hollywood Jesus and MySpace site. There was a response that caused me to want to reflect on The Jesus Movement of the 1970’s.

The response to the blog on Integrity came by Paul on MySpace, and he said:

“Mike, Thanx for your honesty and integrity in raising this issue. It's not always comfortable to have the spotlight turned in and showing up those darkened corners but it is so neccesary. Integrity is essential to a christlike character, which God wants see in us. But look at us! I've worked in churches for almost 15 years and I've been hurt more there than anywhere else (often by the back stabbing, smiling assasins, who say one thing to your face and hammer the nails in behind your back). We used to sing 'they will know we are christians by our love' but the healer of the wounded often has become the wounder of the healers. I don't want this to become a rant against the church (which I love). But in my culture it seems we're missing something BIG! Concerned more about our reputation than our character. But it seems to me that Jesus puts more emphasis on the stuff that really matters - the stuff of life, often those seemingly little things, like keeping your word, doing what you say, honesty and authenticity. Because those things speak loud! Would that they would scream from my life.”

There are a couple of things in that comment that hit home for me. They were, “We used to sing ‘they will know we are Christians by our love” and “but the healer of the wounded often has become the wounder of the healers.”

I miss the old days of the Jesus Movement. I came to know Jesus in the middle of the whole thing in the 1970’s. I was looking for love and knew I couldn’t find it in the drugs, sex, gangs and life I had been living and practicing. I heard a man, David Wilkerson speak for the first time about the person of Jesus and the example he established and lived. Call me naive but I decided to give it a try, and now almost 30 years later, I have never been let down by the person of Jesus.

There was something special in those days; I believe an attitude where those of us who were young were rebelling against the system. We had seen many of our friends come back from Vietnam not the same as they had been before they left. We lived through the civil rights movement; we saw the hypocrisy of many within the church on various issues like equality. For many of us, those things begin to get addressed in the person of Jesus and many of us with long hair, and anti establishment opinions came to Jesus just as we were, without one plea, without one concern, we wanted Jesus and what he had to offer.

In those early days there were a lot of songs that came out, songs like, “They’ll Know We are Christians by Our Love.” Then there were musical artists who had gone through the same things we had. None had more of an impact on me than Larry Norman, but there were others like Love Song, The Second Chapter of Acts, Honeytree, and the list could go on and on.

In the early days of my salvation, I begin following what was called “Contemporary Christian Music” or CCM for short. I even begin promoting concerts. Later on I begin working for one of my favorite bands of all time, The Rob Cassels Band, later known as Rob Castles. To this day, I have never met a more sincere, loving, caring individual. Rob with his long flowing black hair didn’t care what people thought of him, he just wanted to sing and tell people about Jesus, while at the same time providing quality top notch music.

While with Rob I became involved in a ministry called The Fellowship of Contemporary Christian Ministries, FCCM for short. It was a thriving organization of early Jesus Music pioneers that later became The Network for Creative Outreach. I remember those early days with people like Twila Paris, Keith Green, Resurrection Band, Glad, Petra, The Pat Terry Group, and many others. I remember one of the issues that came up with heated discussion at one of our gatherings was the concept of, were we as artists involved in this thing as a ministry or a business? That debate ended up losing out to the concept of business and just as many of us who were involved in the early days of Christian music sold out to the business, I can’t help but wonder if we as individual Christians, and as members of the church have sold out to the same concept.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with making a buck, bottom line is, and I know this all too well, we have to pay the bills. But when the driving force is in paying the bills, as opposed to having a purpose in doing what we do, I have to wonder where the value in life is? Has the focus turned towards materialistic things, as opposed to a living and loving God? If so, no wonder that issues like integrity, weak witness, and so forth dominate our lives.

Yea, I’ll never forget those early days, seeing Resurrection Band just playing a concert in the parking lot of a shopping center. Then there was the Pat Terry Group who would show up and take the time to talk to the kids in the crowd. Or here is a shocker, for those that didn’t know, you could hardly buy a Keith Green record before he was killed in the plane crash. You wanted a record and didn’t have money for it, he would give it to you.

My how the times have changed, the business end has won out, well sort of. I have noticed a lot this week Bono of U2 in the news. Working to bring about justice and right to the world we live in. It is strange; this man of integrity seems to have the respect of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, George Bush, Michael Moore, Al Franken and Bill Clinton. He is if you will a sort of Billy Graham of our day. A man who walks in integrity and thus garnishing an amount of respect from people in all walks of life. While there are those in the church who are critical, they always are, the reality is, he is standing firm on his faith, and in the process doing something that he believes to be right. I will challenge that he will go down in history, known more for his humanitarian impact than he will his musical impact. In fact we will see where the impact from the two worlds has been blended together, one of vocation and one of action.

I happen to think Bono has much in common with the early days of Jesus music. A person, who has talent, loves what they do, and then finds a way to give back to the world he lives in. Yea, those early days of Keith Green live on in people like Bono. These are lessons we can learn from. Then when we sing “They’ll Know We are Christians by Our Love,” people watching will be able to observe our actions and say, “Yea, that must be what a real Christian is.” We all have that ability, we all have that opportunity, the question becomes, do we stay focused on the business at hand or the service we all have the opportunity to provide those around us? The hands of service rooted and grounded in of all things, not money, not things, but love.

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ To learn more about me visit http://www.furches.org/ I am also active on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/mikefurches I have another blog at http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus You can contact me via email at mike@furches.org or mike@thevirtualpew.com

Friday, May 19, 2006


in·teg·ri·ty ( n-t g r -t ) n.
  1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
  2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
  3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness

Over the years the concept of integrity has intrigued me. I remember as a youth listening to my grandfather, one of the wisest men I ever knew despite the fact that he only had a 3rd grade education saying, “If a man ain’t got his word, he ain’t got nothin’”

Now those were the days, the days when a handshake meant something and a promise was good enough to bank on. Something has happened over the years. I don’t know when, I suspect it has been there all along but on the concept of integrity, my life experiences have not been all that positive.

I know Christians are supposed to be different, I have always known that, even since my youth. It was one of the reasons I rejected Christianity for so long. I had seen people professing a life changing faith in Christ, yet living lives far from the example.

I realize from the very outset of this blog, my perceptions have been skewed, unfortunately for the worse, not the better. A brief scenario as to my life experiences with Christians.

  • My grandparents were professing Christians and so was pretty much everyone else in the south. Yet, there was racism in the comments of many within my family, and my own father had a violent temper, reportedly killing a man once in a fight.
  • I begin to be abused as a small child, both physically and sexually by guess who? Christians.
  • After I got saved I was pretty much homeless. Those in the church knew it, but did nothing to help. I had one person offer to help me from the church. That was great and the money was nice but he had more of in interest in me sexually than anything else.
  • I went to a “Christian” college, had the world promised to me, all kinds of expenses would be taken care of and on and on. Did it happen that way? Wrong!
  • I was a part of a start up church the pastor was dedicated to the body, for about 3 months when he left us all high and dry.
  • I worked in Christian music in its early days. Had concerts booked and places to play. Churches payed part of what they agreed to about 6 out of 10 times. The other 4 out of 10 times, they didn't pay at all. By the way, the non Christian concerts we did later paid 10 out of 10 times and a lot more money.
  • Over the last few years my experience with Christian renters. Now understand, my family is not wealthy, we get by from month to month, just like most people. We certainly don’t have the money to pay our expenses in Wichita plus for the upkeep of our house in Oklahoma which we rent out.
  • First our Christian Real Estate Property Manager. Lies, wouldn’t return phone calls, didn’t take care of the property or do her job, even kept horrible records and didn't collect our payments as were agreed upon.
  • We have rented the property to 4 different renters over the course of the last 4 years, all claiming to be Christians. Only one honored their lease. One went so far that when we tried to collect damages on the house they refused to help because we expected him to honor his agreement, by the way, at the time a Youth Minister, and now pastor in Texas. He left out on the lease 3 months into a 1 year agreement.
  • Another renter, leader in their church, leaves the property with $5,000 in damages, and owing us 3 months worth of rent. This after we had given them 3 months of rent for free. They pay their downpayment on their nice new house with the money they owed us.
  • New renter, gives a 2 week notice prior to move out, despite required 30 day notice, and is currently 2 months behind, which means we are behind. Why are they leaving under these conditions? To become missionaries.
  • Not all news is bad, we had one renter who honored their commitment, paid on time.

End Result, it is very possible we will end up losing our dream house because of the lack of integrity of those who were professing Christians who didn’t honor their word.

I know one of the things that some will bring up is, about how we need to be forgiving. I agree, and God has given us peace about the fact that if we lose our house, it is not because we have done anything wrong. We have even gone out of our way to help each individual, notice on the one 3 months of free rent we gave them. I wonder though, do we as Christians take it easier on those who don’t practice integrity in their own lives?

I know Christianity has shortcomings, there are reasons we are not as successful as we could be at impressing others with the benefits of Christianity. I know there are some who make excuses and state that I shouldn’t be talking about Christians like this. Let me assure you, I am not speaking about all Christians, I am speaking about hopefully a minority that unfortunately are those that the majority of Non Christians see. I am also speaking on an issue that all Christians can do better at.

The Barna Research published divorce rates data for various beliefs. While atheists and agnostics show a divorce rate of 21%, this rate rises to 24% for Christians and 27% for born-again Christians. Small independent Christian groups have a divorce rate of 34%, Baptists 29%, Protestants 25%, Mormons 24%, Catholics 21% and Lutherans 21% (Barna Research, December 21st 1999). It is clear on the issue of marriage Christians aren’t doing better than those who don’t profess a faith in Christ, in fact, we are doing worse. If this statistic can hold the truth it does for something as important as marriage, something we promote with “Family Values,” how lacking are we in other areas of morality such as integrity? Is it any wonder those who aren’t Christians don’t see any value and reasoning to consider the faith we present?

I have many shortcomings, I know that, but I have tried to be a person of integrity. I try for example to never meet with women alone or without an open door at my house or in my office. I don’t even want to give the appearance of inappropriateness. Lord knows, that Christianity with all of its preachers over the years has had a bad enough example set. We don’t need any more. Don’t take me wrong, I have made tons of mistakes, I have even been week on the aspect of integrity, but about 8 years ago I asked God to help me with this area, and lo and behold, He has.

Before going into this any further, I think it is a good idea to look at what the Bible says about integrity. All Scripture comes from the Contemporary English Version.

Exodus 20:7 - Do not misuse my name. I am the LORD your God, and I will punish anyone who misuses my name.

Do we realize that when we call ourselves Christians and say that Christ lives within us, that when we lie and don’t honor our obligations, not only do we make ourselves out to be a liar, we make Christ out to be a liar. This is misusing God’s name.

Leviticus 19:12 - Do not misuse my name by making promises you don't intend to keep. I am the LORD your God.

See the above mentioned comments.

Numbers 30:2 - When one of you men makes a promise to the LORD, you must keep your word.

Would you consider a contract necessary, a hand shake, a verbal promise, what?

Matthew 23:16-22 – (16) You are in for trouble! You are supposed to lead others, but you are blind. You teach that it doesn't matter if a person swears by the temple. But you say that it does matter if someone swears by the gold in the temple. (17) You blind fools! Which is greater, the gold or the temple that makes the gold sacred?

(18) You also teach that it doesn't matter if a person swears by the altar. But you say that it does matter if someone swears by the gift on the altar. (19) Are you blind? Which is more important, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred? (20) Anyone who swears by the altar also swears by everything on it. (21) And anyone who swears by the temple also swears by God, who lives there. (22) To swear by heaven is the same as swearing by God's throne and by the one who sits on that throne.

Again, the theme of consistency and keeping our word.

Matthew 5:33-5:37 – (33) You know that our ancestors were told, "Don't use the Lord's name to make a promise unless you are going to keep it." (34) But I tell you not to swear by anything when you make a promise! Heaven is God's throne, so don't swear by heaven. (35) The earth is God's footstool, so don't swear by the earth. Jerusalem is the city of the great king, so don't swear by it. (36) Don't swear by your own head. You cannot make one hair white or black. (37) When you make a promise, say only "Yes" or "No." Anything else comes from the devil.

Jesus seems to take the concept even further, we shouldn’t really need contracts, our word should be good enough. What ever happened to that?

James 5:12 - My friends, above all else, don't take an oath. You must not swear by heaven or by earth or by anything else. "Yes" or "No" is all you need to say. If you say anything more, you will be condemned.

I’m almost afraid to ask what this concept of condemnation is James is speaking of when he talks keeping our word, or our yes or no being all that we need to say.

1 Timothy 4:12 - Don't let anyone make fun of you, just because you are young. Set an example for other followers by what you say and do, as well as by your love, faith, and purity.

There goes the excuse of, “Well there just too young.” Also clarity as to our actions and words are supposed to match up.

Proverbs 20:7 - A righteous man who walks in his integrity How blessed are his sons after him. (NIV)

Seems to give indication that our integrity, has an impact on our children and those that come to know God through our actions.

Jesus says that if our righteousness is going to exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees, we must be people of integrity. My question is, are we?

I know there are all kinds of things I can close with. I know many haven’t even begun to consider the consequences of their lack of integrity. I am sure the 3 Christian couples who rented our house and didn’t honor their commitments, never took seriously that their lack of integrity may result in our family losing our dream house that was going to be designated for ministry to inner city and/or poor families to use for a vacation. I am sure some may have never considered their lack of integrity may result in someone watching them deciding that if that is what Christianity is they don’t want anything to do with it, thus having eternal consequences.

In closing I am reminded of a song. A song generally used when thinking of Non Christians, but I think it applies just as much to Christians. The issues are the same, the answers are the same. I found the answers to my issues here with the solution presented in the song. Maybe that solution is not just for non Christians, maybe, just maybe, it is again, once and for all, for Christians as well.

Why Don't You Look Into Jesus
By Larry Norman

Sipping whiskey from a paper cup,

You drown your sorrows till you can't get up,

Take a look at what you've done to yourself,

Why don't you put the bottle back on she shelf,

Yellow fingers from your cigarettes,

Your hands are shaking while your body sweats,

Why don't you look into Jesus, He's got the answer.


Gonorrhea on Valentines Day,

And you're still looking for the perfect lay,

You think rock and roll will set you free,

You'll be deaf before your thirty three,

Shooting junk till your half insane,

Broken needle in your purple vein,

Why don't you look into Jesus, he's got the answer.


You work all night, sleep all day,

You take your money, throw it all away,

You say you're going to be a superstar,

But you've never hung around enough to find out who you really are.


Think back to when you were a child,

Your soul was free, your heart ran wild,

Each day was different, and life was a thrill,

You knew tomorrow would be better still,

Things have changed you're much older now,

If you're unhappy and you don't know how,

Why don't you look into Jesus, He's got the answer.

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ To learn more about me visit http://www.furches.org/ I am also active on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/mikefurches I have another blog at http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus You can contact me via email at mike@furches.org or mike@thevirtualpew.com

Monday, May 15, 2006

Roller Coaster Days

I am actually tired of days like this. Things seem to been going pretty good, actually great, then all of a sudden, Bam! There is a major issue.

Here is a brief scenario of my life.

  • Right at birth, it starts of and sucks.
  • Pretty bad until I get married, 20 years later.
  • Finally graduate college, pretty good and excited.
  • Work in the early days of Christian music, great life, but no money.
  • Start working in Mental Health, Late 20’s, life is good, I am finally making money.
  • Leave the “Professional Life” to go into ministry where I feel God is calling me, again no money.
  • Leave being the pastor of a church and start new life, (4 weeks ago) again no money.
  • People believe in what I am doing and contribute, some hope.

Things seem to go up and down. Concerns and problems always seem centered on one thing, money. Oh to live in the days where friends and family took care of each other.

Right now, with our new ministry, The Virtual Pew, we have enough funds in our budget for about 6 - 7 months of salary obligations. I get paid $400 a week not much, but I can live on it. I need speaking gigs, and contributions to survive and keep up necessary funds for our budget, (ministry and mine) which include helping out folks as we can, and doing other types of ministry. To meet total budgetary needs for The Virtual Pew we need an additional $24,600 which we will hopefully earn by monthly donations, one time contributions, eventual sales on The Virtual Pew store, and speaking engagements.

How is it a roller coaster? On Friday I get a generous contribution that allows for the purchase of several items of ministry, such as a lap-top (I get it for $500 off retail a great machine), a projector for presentations (find a floor model for $200 off retail) and then back up funds to allow ministry to The Lost, The Last & The Least for about 6 months to provide my salary during that time.

Then, this morning I get a phone call from the people renting our house in Oklahoma, our original dream house on Lake Oologah. They are not going to be able to pay the rent this summer due to going on a mission’s trip and need to turn in their notice to move out in 2 weeks. Bam! There is that downward slide of the roller coaster that turns your gut inside out.

One thing I am sure of is the need for people in ministry to maintain integrity, for that reason, we won’t compromise a single dollar of the money that has been designated in gifts for ministry. We live like most folks, from week to week, and sometimes the weeks are iffy. While it would be great to be able to eat the mortgage costs until the house is rented or additional funds are available, that just isn’t possible, remember the week to week comment above.

There are questions we have, what about a house that was a dream house? Are we going to have to sell it? How do we take care of the mortgage on it until we sell it if we do? Is it possible that we will lose the house and any of the investments we made on the house? What will this do to our credit? Is there any way to keep the house we had wanted to designate for ministry use? You can imagine, the questions goes on and on.

Here is what I know, although sometimes it is hard to live it.

Matthew 6:25-34

(25) I tell you not to worry about your life. Don't worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food or clothing? (26) Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds?
(27) Can worry make you live longer? (28) Why worry about clothes? Look how the wild flowers grow. They don't work hard to make their clothes. (29) But I tell you that Solomon with all his wealth wasn't as well clothed as one of them. (30) God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. He will surely do even more for you! Why do you have such little faith? (31) Don't worry and ask yourselves, "Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?" (32) Only people who don't know God are always worrying about such things. Your Father in heaven knows that you need all of these. (33) But more than anything else, put God's work first and do what he wants. Then the other things will be yours as well.

(34) Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.

It is hard to not worry about tomorrow; I think one of the reasons is that sometimes on any given day we are living in can be so difficult. The truth is sometimes it is just like life sucks and there isn’t much obvious hope. It is in those times, the times that we overcome the obstacles we face, that we know where our faith is really at and how difficult it is to sometimes live and practice that faith.

Yes, of all families, I think mine knows more than most of how God is Faithful. It is a reminder I need, it is a hope I have, God continues to be God. Just when I think things are too tough for me, I realize there are others going through tougher times, and tougher situations. I can learn from their examples, witness, and strength. Is it easy? As the Apostle Paul would answer at times, “Hell no!” Is it possible on the other hand? I continue to believe and not compromise the fact, that; “With Christ, all things are possible.”

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ To learn more about me visit http://www.furches.org/ I am also active on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/mikefurches I have another blog at http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus You can contact me via email at mike@furches.org or mike@thevirtualpew.com

Thursday, May 11, 2006

So You Wanna Get High

Why would a beautiful young woman give it all away? A husband who has gone through the fire for his wife? A house that has started to turn in to a home? Four beautiful young daughters who have seen the heart and actions of their mother? Why would anyone give this up, all for a high that comes from Crystal Meth or Crack Cocaine?

Over the last year I had a friend, named Larry, who had lived with us for around 9 months. Larry was a great guy, that had lived a hard life. Same thing happened to him, the demons of the drug had started attacking him again and before long it started affecting the discipline that we were trying to provide him from him living with us. I knew he was using, his Parole Officer didn't hear me, the church he came from didn't hear me, all kinds of people didn't hear me, despite the fact that I have been around drugs, was a former user myself. No one listened. I just knew when things started showing up missing, and people I didn't know were at my house, he had to leave. Was I correct in my assumptions about his drug use? Most certainly as he overdosed and died about 4 months after the time I had him move out. This new Friend has the potential to have the same things happen to her.

Check out this Video, for what Crystal Meth will do to you.

I am convinced that others dont understand the situations either. With good intentions they have done more to facilitate and enable some drug users more than they will ever know. My words are going to be hard, but I believe them to be true. An individual getting on these drugs has to at some point hit rock bottom before they will want to get well. The problem is, that sometimes on the way to the bottom they hit so hard that they dont make it out.

How do we facilitate more drug use, or enable the drug user? There are many answers to this to think about.

Dont offer real love. Over the last weeks I have had to change many plans to oversee and try to provide support. I have to go by their house again today, I have had to offer various kinds of help, I have had to let her hit bottom. None of those things are easy but they offer real love.

I have also had to be wise. For me that means thinking of my past as to why I did the things I did. It means for those not living that past to do some research, find out on your own what is going on in the heads of the people you come into contact with. It also means being wise in other things. I dont go into this persons house alone. I wont let her come into my house without someone here, unless the front door is always open. I make sure to maintain my integrity and possible temptations at all times. I pray up and ask for Gods help when with this person.

It means not helping at all with money. Now I know this one sounds hard, but this person has literally asked me to empty the lawnmower of gas so she can have gas in her car. I have had other Christians tell me they have never given her money but they will take her to put gas in it for her. To give gas to a person addicted on drugs is no different than putting the drugs in their hands. I go so far as to say, that putting gas in the car for a young woman on drugs is worse than giving her drugs.

What do I mean by the comment that giving gas to a young woman is worse than giving her drugs? It is really quite simple, and those that have been around know what I am speaking of. What you do when you put gas in her car is you enable her to go to the drug house to try and bargain for drugs. You give her a way to go someplace she can sell herself for drugs or money. Those things I assure you are worse than giving her the drugs, because then you not only allow her to abuse her body with drugs, but with sex and every other unimaginable thing.

I wish there were easy answers. I wish that crack or meth never existed. But there aren't and they do. What do we who call ourselves friend or Christian do? Do we look for the easy way out, do we act haphazardly thinking we are providing help, but in reality enabling the addict? Or do we love, complete with sacrifices and hurts? I challenge each person reading this that knows of a person dealing with addictions to think about if you have enabled an addict, or if you have really helped them in their time of need. I challenge you to think about what real love it. I would challenge you to practice it. Then, and maybe only then, will true help and change begin to take place in the lives of those who need it most.

To see one of the best sites I have seen dealing with drug addiction go to: http://www.montanameth.org

To see what my Easter Suncay was like read the following:

This morning, I got up and got ready for church, reviewing my message for today and realizing that while we may have to go through life with all kinds of pains and pains in the rear, Christ is still there.

Shortly before church I get a phone call from a friend. His wife has been out all night which is not a good thing because she has been using meth and crack again. They have 4 young daughters and he has just started a new job where he is supposed to be at work today. So much for getting off on the right foot and being a good employ.

On the way to my daughters house for Easter dinner I notice 4 police cars next to this friends house. I stop ask the cops, are you all here for so and so. They respond yes, go in and see her but leave my son in the car.

I go in, she is there alone, high as all get out with a battered face. A lot of things to suspect, certainly not believing what she is telling me. After a few moments the husband comes in. He has taken a load of clothes and his daughters to his mothers house. He is filing for divorce tomorrow, has been a hard long journey and he just cant take it anymore.

I spend time with the wife, trying to talk sense into her but she won't listen. She was a young beautiful woman that looks like she has turned into a crack whore. Outside a miracle of God she wont be alive in 3 months. I know these things because this is the world I live in. The miracle of God will have to include likely inpatient care. She says she is open to it but I have heard this story before.

I end up getting to my daughters house a couple hours late. I call many within the church, find out that many of them don't get it either, they have been giving her money for gas, or food, which has enabled her to have money for drugs or a way to the crack house or places where she can sell herself.

Was it a Happy Easter? Yea for some, but, I was reminded of the need for the crucifixion and resurrection. There are many still fighting battles, and truth is, many make all kinds of excuses to not care for those that need the love the most. Was it a Happy Easter? Yes He is risen, but not so we can sit on our butts. If youre doing drugs and having all of the fun with the parties, come to my house so I can show you the consequences of having a good time.

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, www.thevirtualpew.com To learn more about me visit www.furches.org I am also active on MySpace at: http://www.myspace.com/mikefurches I have another blog at http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus You can contact me via email at mike@furches.org or mike@thevirtualpew.com

Monday, May 08, 2006

A Message From An Atheist

As most folks that know me know, I have a few passions in life, a lot of interests but only a few passions. Some of those include:I love issues of discussion centering on faith, and/or politics.I love social issues, especially centered on the poor, needy, abused, homeless, inner city struggles, gangs, and drugs.I love the arts and their relevance, an example would be movies, books, music, and so forth. Then seeing the deeper meanings of those things. I love most sports, but especially wrestling.Now it is on the last issue that I will address the blog today, on of all things centered on wrestling.Some may know, some not, but I have been heavily involved with the sport of wrestling for some 11 years now. It all started with having the wrestling coach drive the bus for me when I was the head soccer coach at North Hendersonville High School in Hendersonville North Carolina. Long story made short, he kept telling me that I needed to get my son involved in the sport, when finding out we were moving to Oklahoma he insisted. We did, he did, and now the rest is history.For the last 11 years I have been coaching my son and other youth. For the last two years I have started officiating for kids, high school, and national events, including all styles of wrestling made popular in America. I have started a real wrestling group on YouTube which has made national and international news for its growth and I have organized the Kansas National Team, which has gone to various events around the Midwest.I am also involved in a couple of discussion groups that centers on wresting. Those groups, http://www.usawks.com/ and http://www.themat.com/ are groups that involve wrestlers and wrestling fans from around the globe. I am a moderator for both web sites, and as usual, rather outspoken. I realize those groups are about wrestling, not religion or politics. Therefore, I choose to stay, as much as possible, out of the discussions centering around religion and politics. It isnt that Im not willing to share my faith, I am, but it has to be in what I feel is its proper place. I have found that by letting my life be an example, many can, and do, hear a message through my life example. The St. Francis quote, Preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words, has come to
have a special place in my heart and life.

I often find myself in the middle of conversations I dont necessarily want to be in, I find myself being asked questions where I feel an obligation to answer. I try to answer most of them in an appropriate way, one on one or after a direct question, and off a public forum. I recall that those forums are not intended for religious purposes, I still find myself on occasion responding to a public question or request in a public way. Today is an example of one of those requests.Recently myself and another forum poster on the http://www.themat.com/ wrestling forum engaged in a discussion about the movie United 93. Much of that conversation wasnt done in a congenial way, instead it involved confrontation, which, I am okay with, but try to avoid when possible. Thankfully the poster, known as Big, an Atheist originally from Russia, came back and we begin to mend some fences. After the mending the following exchange took place:Big said "Is there any chance you can include in your preachings a principle that atheists should be treated as good and fair people until proven otherwise? Thanks in advance!I said "Big, I think the other atheist on these boards will tell you they have seen that aspect within my life, thoughts, messages, or whatever you want to call it.. I will promise you this; I will do my best, not meaning that I won't make mistakes on occasion. I will promote with all of my life the respect of all people, no matter their faith, sexuality, and/or politics or any other difference that we may possesses. Now on the other hand as you well know, I'll also voice my opinion and when I disagree or don't like something, will at least have the integrity to say so to the person.Tell you what; I'll post my blog tomorrow on this subject, with of course your permission.Big said: Good Mike! Because I have an impression that Ministers in Christianity try to portray Christian people as superior to atheists even if they are doing so indirectly.I dont mind the notion that Christianity helps people go through life but I dont see why atheists should be put down as a result.Big gives us something we can learn from, especially those of us who follow Jesus. He is asking for something fairly simple actually, and, in reality, a fair request. A request I believe Jesus was all about. That is, we give respect and love to our fellow human being, despite who they are and what they believe.I have to admit, the concept of feeling smarter or better than is not an attribute unique to any one group of people. Atheists that have this view are wrong! Christians who have this view are wrong! Any single person, or any single religion that has this believe of being better than anyone else, for any reason, is wrong!Recently on the Christian groups I belong to I have seen threads that deal with, Will Homosexuals be in Heaven? Will the sin of Homosexuality be allowed in Heaven? and I cold go on and on with various "sin" topics, but more often than not, the sin of Homosexuality.With all due respect to Big, Atheists, Homosexuals, or whoever, I can only best answer this question out of my own particular view and position. Therefore for those who are not followers of Jesus, please excuse the religious commentary.One of the wonderful attributes of the person of Jesus I see in Scripture is that he loved all people, in all situations, and involved in all sin. It was one of the reasons he was accused and condemned by many within the religious community. The story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery is one of the most beautiful stories in all of Scripture. The passage comes from John Chapter 8.

There are several things to remember about this event. The woman was caught in a act that according to the law of the time was punishable by death. In other words, she had not only violated Gods law, she had violated the law of man and the death penalty was appropriate. This sin is held as just as damning as the sin of homosexuality, yet, it is a sin speak less harshly of than the sin of homosexuality. I have asked this question many times, but what if the woman caught in adultery had been someone caught in the act of homosexual sin. Would Jesus response have been any different?During this event, the religious people were the ones sitting in judgment. Have the times really changed from AD 31 to AD 2006? Does anyone feel like I do, the religiuous people are still about the business of sitting in judgment over others. The church often rationalizes their need to judge, and Im not saying judgment isnt sometimes deserved, but Jesus gives the ultimate example of how to judge. He responds to others, even a woman caught in an act that was deserving of the death penalty, with love.

John Chapter 8, Verses 7-9 state: (7) They kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, "If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!" (8) Once again he bent over and began writing on the ground. (9) The people left one by one, beginning with the oldest. Finally, Jesus and the woman were alone.I love this passage, it is consistent with Jesus own teachings at the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7, when He stated in verse 3, You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. How often are we as Christians judging those around us while at the same time ignoring our own sins. No wonder those who dont believe in God, dont have an interest in learning more about what we believe. Truth is, I wonder myself if many really believe this concept from a Scriptural basis.We can look at this passage as it continues in John chapter 8:10, Jesus stood up and asked her, "Where is everyone? Isn't there anyone left to accuse you?"(11) "No sir," the woman answered.Then Jesus told her, "I am not going to accuse you either. You may go now, but don't sin anymore."It is easy to pick on the sin, even the individual, but notice that Jesus did not do that. Instead he first showed love and acceptance. Those who would stone her, threw down their stones and walked off after Jesus confronted them. One of the issues many in the church has, is they hold on to the stones, stone in one hand, and telling the person that we love them with the other. Dont we realize that we cant hold onto stones and expect people to see love. That stone might be an attitude, a comment, or a belief, but it is visable, and takes away all concepts of love.We shouldnt ignore the fact that Jesus addressed the wrong the woman had done, but only after showing love and speaking out for her in her defense. Even then, he did not accuse her, instead he loved her and gave her a kind word to go and sin no more. Where is that attitude among Christians today?Now I realize that some of my comments are addressed to the Christians who may hear this, I dont want, or desire, that non Christians would think that I am casting judgment or negative thoughts towards them. That would make me the utmost hypocrite of all.

Yea Big, you are right on the money, truth is that sometimes Christians get to the place where we cast all kinds of judgment, thinking that for whatever reason we are better than someone else. This despite the fact that within the Christian belief system our Bible tells us in Matthew 5:45 Then you will be acting like your Father in heaven. He makes the sun rise on both good and bad people. And he sends rain for the ones who do right and for the ones who do wrong. Truth is, God is no respecter of persons. He loves the atheist like Big just as much as he loves an evangelist like Billy Graham. I believe that when we as Christians can display this attitude, the one that was in Jesus better, then and only then can we garnish the respect of those on the planet who see things differently.Truth is, whether one accepts it or not, God created humanity in His image. All people, including Atheists according to the Bible are a reflection of Gods creation. Now I dont expect those who dont believe in God to accept or appreciate this. I am okay with that, but.I do believe that they will appreciate the admonition to all Christians to get off our high horses. Quit thinking that we are so much better than others because of their belief or lack thereof. That just isnt the attitude which was in the ultimate server of all, Jesus Christ. Remember even he, prior to his crucifixion, took the time to wash the feet of the one who would betray him. If he can do that for the one who would betray him, why cant we do that for those that God has called us to love.

Friday, May 05, 2006

That's What Friends Are For

This last week I discovered on Sunday who some of my real friends are. It was my last Sunday at the church I had served as pastor for a little over 4 years. I knew it was going to be emotional and it wasn’t only my last service but the last service where the church was going to operate. The Virtual Pew was getting ready to start and I was excited about the things God was doing, as well as the things I knew he would be doing with the new ministry. As bright as the future is, I knew the day, April 30, 2006, was going to be a sad day. God had done a great work at this little church, we truly understood the concept of God being able to work with a small church, especially a small church with so much artistic talent, and its people coming from such diverse backgrounds.

One of the things I was actually kind of cautious of, and had actually prayed for, was that God wouldn’t use this day to send a lot of visitors to the church. Well, it was getting time for church, and as is the tradition in most inner city urban churches, our people were arriving late. Then, low and behold, I see an elderly lady showing up as the first person to the church. Here I had prayed for no visitors and the first thing to arrive was just that, a visitor. I was concerned; already we had a visitor arriving prior to the start of the service. What was I going to do? What was in fact, God going to do?

My wife was talking to the elderly lady when our own people started to show up, I was feeling better as I was going to have some dear friends at church I had shared my last few years with. We were all looking forward to the celebration that was to come, but also sad about the “official” closure of the church. As I was talking with my friends from church I was surprised in an even greater, unexpected way by guess what? More visitors.

I am active in the wrestling community. Between wrestling, (the real sport not the fake stuff) and movies I have been reminded for years that I needed to find a ministry that would allow me to be more effective in those ministries. A dear friend of mine, named Aaron Sweazy, had dubbed me the Minister of the Mat. That moniker has carried on now for the last couple of years, but it was within these groups that I developed real relationships outside of the church community. It was the wrestling community that would teach me a valuable lesson on this special day.

It wasn’t long before church started that I saw Sweaz show up at the church, along with a number of other friends involved in wrestling. Sweaz lives about 2 hours from Wichita yet he and the others show up at church. There were around 12 or so in total. This dear friend, along with my son, had gone out of their way to invite several people from the wrestling community be at church during my last Sunday. Here I was, someone who had been asking God, “Please Lord no visitors today,” when in actuality we ended up having around 13 -15.

I was reminded of the value of friends, friends who would go out of their way to let you know that you are special to them. Friends who would sacrifice to let you know they loved and appreciated you. Friends who were willing to do something that I would never forget. Aaron Sweazy had gone out of his way to let me know how much I had meant to him, but his story also reminded our church of what they had meant for him and the rest of the wrestling community.

My friends in the wrestling community made it clear that our church, through me, had provided a ministry to them. Aaron shared about how God had used me, and how he had recalled the church praying for him. Aaron had gone through a serious bout with cancer and the church had made the commitment to pray for him and keep him in our prayers. Sways spoke about how we as a church had we placed our hands on him and prayed for him was one of the most important days in his life. He had never experienced anything like this, and I think he knew, without doubt, that we loved him enough to pray for him on a regular basis. Yes, a reminder to the church of the importance of friendship and love. It was a lesson of how that my friends could become their friends, and their friends, could become my friends. The accolades weren’t really as much about an individual or a church as they were about a concept, a concept we call friendship.

I have recently become involved in MySpace, a sight this blog will appear on. Truth is our society is looking for friends just like many do on MySpace. Friends that will hold your hand with you, cry with you, laugh with you, and be there when you need them. Kind of like Swayz was with me and I hopefully have with him. This concept reminds me of the passage from the Bible that comes out of Romans 12: 15-17, it reads;

(15) When others are happy, be happy with them, and when they are sad, be sad. (16) Be friendly with everyone. Don't be proud and feel that you are smarter than others. Make friends with ordinary people. (17) Don't mistreat someone who has mistreated you. But try to earn the respect of others,

I have learned this is what real friendship is. Yes, it is hard to have hundreds of friends, but it is even harder going through life without friends. I mention this today, deep inside feeling a little regret. You see my friend Aaron Sweazy is having a celebration tonight and I can’t be there. He is celebrating his 1 year anniversary of being in remission from cancer. While I can’t be there, I wanted to do something special, something special enough that would let him know that I love him and appreciate him. This blog is that special thing.

Sweaz, you have reminded me of what friendship is. We have been happy together, we have been sad together, we have laughed together, we have cried together. I want you to know that while I can’t be with you tonight, I am thinking of you and thanking God for you. I look forward to the phone call I’ll make a little later on where I get to talk to you. You continue to give, in more ways than you can imagine. I hope that this blog, in some ways is a continuation of that gift. Not just to me, but hopefully to those who read this and realize that through your example, and through reading this, they as well can be a better friend to someone who needs it. I love you bro, and want you to know that.

Now to the rest of you out there, take this message and learn; be a friend, a real friend, let someone know today or tonight that you appreciate them. Notice their response. If the Son of God was willing to become our friend, isn’t it about time that we became a friend with someone else and then share our friends with them, just like we do at MySpace or in the rest of the “real world?”

To learn more about The Virtual Pew visit www.thevirtualpew.com Also Check out Mike's MySpace Page at: www.myspace.com/mikefurches Blog at, http://blog.myspace.com/mikefurches and Hollywood Jesus Group at MySpace at, http://groups.myspace.com/hollywoodjesus If at MySpace you can visit Hollywood Jesus at www.hollywoodjesus.com or Mike's Virtual Pew Blog there at, http://www.hollywoodjesus.com/comments/virtualpew/blog.html