A Message From An Atheist

have a special place in my heart and life.

I often find myself in the middle of conversations I dont necessarily want to be in, I find myself being asked questions where I feel an obligation to answer. I try to answer most of them in an appropriate way, one on one or after a direct question, and off a public forum. I recall that those forums are not intended for religious purposes, I still find myself on occasion responding to a public question or request in a public way. Today is an example of one of those requests.Recently myself and another forum poster on the http://www.themat.com/ wrestling forum engaged in a discussion about the movie United 93. Much of that conversation wasnt done in a congenial way, instead it involved confrontation, which, I am okay with, but try to avoid when possible. Thankfully the poster, known as Big, an Atheist originally from Russia, came back and we begin to mend some fences. After the mending the following exchange took place:Big said "Is there any chance you can include in your preachings a principle that atheists should be treated as good and fair people until proven otherwise? Thanks in advance!I said "Big, I think the other atheist on these boards will tell you they have seen that aspect within my life, thoughts, messages, or whatever you want to call it.. I will promise you this; I will do my best, not meaning that I won't make mistakes on occasion. I will promote with all of my life the respect of all people, no matter their faith, sexuality, and/or politics or any other difference that we may possesses. Now on the other hand as you well know, I'll also voice my opinion and when I disagree or don't like something, will at least have the integrity to say so to the person.Tell you what; I'll post my blog tomorrow on this subject, with of course your permission.Big said: Good Mike! Because I have an impression that Ministers in Christianity try to portray Christian people as superior to atheists even if they are doing so indirectly.I dont mind the notion that Christianity helps people go through life but I dont see why atheists should be put down as a result.Big gives us something we can learn from, especially those of us who follow Jesus. He is asking for something fairly simple actually, and, in reality, a fair request. A request I believe Jesus was all about. That is, we give respect and love to our fellow human being, despite who they are and what they believe.I have to admit, the concept of feeling smarter or better than is not an attribute unique to any one group of people. Atheists that have this view are wrong! Christians who have this view are wrong! Any single person, or any single religion that has this believe of being better than anyone else, for any reason, is wrong!Recently on the Christian groups I belong to I have seen threads that deal with, Will Homosexuals be in Heaven? Will the sin of Homosexuality be allowed in Heaven? and I cold go on and on with various "sin" topics, but more often than not, the sin of Homosexuality.With all due respect to Big, Atheists, Homosexuals, or whoever, I can only best answer this question out of my own particular view and position. Therefore for those who are not followers of Jesus, please excuse the religious commentary.One of the wonderful attributes of the person of Jesus I see in Scripture is that he loved all people, in

There are several things to remember about this event. The woman was caught in a act that according to the law of the time was punishable by death. In other words, she had not only violated Gods law, she had violated the law of man and the death penalty was appropriate. This sin is held as just as damning as the sin of homosexuality, yet, it is a sin speak less harshly of than the sin of homosexuality. I have asked this question many times, but what if the woman caught in adultery had been someone caught in the act of homosexual sin. Would Jesus response have been any different?During this event, the religious people were the ones sitting in judgment. Have the times really changed from AD 31 to AD 2006? Does anyone feel like I do, the religiuous people are still about the business of sitting in judgment over others. The church often rationalizes their need to judge, and Im not saying judgment isnt sometimes deserved, but Jesus gives the ultimate example of how to judge. He responds to others, even a woman caught in an act that was deserving of the death penalty, with love.
John Chapter 8, Verses 7-9 state: (7) They kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, "If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!" (8) Once again he bent over and began writing on the ground. (9) The people left one by one, beginning with the oldest. Finally, Jesus and the woman were alone.I love this passage, it is consistent with Jesus own teachings at the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7, when He stated in verse 3, You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye. How often are we as Christians judging those around us while at the same time ignoring our own sins. No wonder those who dont believe in God, dont have an interest in learning more about what we believe. Truth is, I wonder myself if many really believe this concept from a Scriptural basis.We can look at this passage as it continues in John chapter 8:10, Jesus stood up and asked her, "Where is everyone? Isn't there anyone left to accuse you?"(11) "No sir," the woman answered.Then Jesus told her, "I am not going to accuse you either. You may go now, but don't sin anymore."It is easy to pick on the sin, even the individual, but notice that Jesus did not do that. Instead he first showed love and acceptance. Those who would stone her, threw down their stones and walked off after Jesus confronted them. One of the issues many in the church has, is they hold on to the stones, stone in one hand, and telling the person that we love them with the other. Dont we realize that we cant hold onto stones and expect people to see love. That stone might be an attitude, a comment, or a belief, but it is visable, and takes away all concepts of love.We shouldnt ignore the fact that Jesus addressed the wrong the woman had done, but only after showing love and speaking out for her in her defense. Even then, he did not accuse her, instead he loved her and gave her a kind word to go and sin no more. Where is that attitude among Christians today?Now I realize that some of my comments are addressed to the Christians who may hear this, I dont want, or desire, that non Christians would think that I am casting judgment or negative thoughts towards them. That would make me the utmost hypocrite of all.
Yea Big, you are right

Dear Brother in Christ:
Your blog brought me to my knees in repentance and tears - especially the last line about washing feet.
What a blessing you are! And how wonderful that you have not lost your way nor the zeal of your "first love" for our BELOVED.
Speaking as an old "Jesus Freak" (as they called my hubby and I back in the 1960's and 70's), though we have never lost our faith, life has beaten us down *hard*. Finding "Hollywood Jesus" and this site tonight has been a renewal.
You can be sure we'll keep in touch; and we'll keep you in our prayers.
I don't have a web page as yet (I'm recovering from a decade-long illness and coma, and ya just don't wake up from that and shout, "Let's go take that advanced Pilantes class!")but you can reach by email:
and/or read my hubby's blog at:
marcoharablogspot.com (no www prefix).
Your sister in Christ,
Linny O'Hara
Thanks for your kind words, you can always reach me if need be. The Virtual Pew is here for people such as you. Also check out The Virtual Pew web site still under construction at www.thevirtualpew.com
That was great. I'm glad you have another blog now, along with the movie reviews.
I'm gonna put a link on my blog to the Virtual Pew.
Thanks I do appreciate it. This thing has taken off so much already it is unreal. Just finished purchasing the rest of the itmes I needed for the top quality presentations I am going to be giving. God is good.
RE: your conversation with "Big." While I don't disagree that there are Christians who think that they are "better" than others, I'm not convinced that describes the majority of Christians. I think most Christians don't think they are "better" than atheists or other groups. I wonder if the perceiption of non-believers that Christians see themselves as better is really only that Christians see themselves as "saved" from being the same as non-Christians.
For me to say "I'm going to heaven, and based on what I believe about the Bible, you're not" can sound like "I'm better than you" to someone who isn't saved. But that's not what I am saying. I'm simply declaring that the difference between me and you (a non-believer) isn't that I'm better, but it's that I've been saved from my sameness by the simple undeserved grace of God. I'm actually the same...I'm a sinner. But God, through Jesus has saved me. Man, for me to say "I'm saved and going to heaven" can sound pretty arrogant to someone who isn't.
To tell you the truth, I feel a little the same way when I'm with my brother. He's a high-falutin banker in Kansas City and makes a pile more money than me. He gets to go places and do things that Donna and I only dream of. When he tells me that he's going to go to the Baja peninsula for vacation or fly out to play golf in North Carolina or some other thing that I can't do, I'm jealous and my first reaction is...you think you're better than me!!!
Then, I stop and realize that he is just a plain old guy like me. He doesn't have an attitude. It's just that he gets to do those things because they come with the territory..his job, not because he has a better-than-thou attitude...even though I sometimes think it. He really doesn't. When I think that he thinks he's better than me, it's not his problem, it's really mine. It's my attitude and perception of who I am and how I measure myself that makes me project my sense of inferiority and my misperception that he sees himself as superior.
So...I don't want to excuse Christians for their "holier-than-thou" attitudes...if they genuinely have them. But I also don't want to blast brothers and sisters who don't feel holier-than-anyone, but who get labeled that because a non-believer perceives their "more-saved-than-you" proclamation as a put down.
It's a tight line to walk and maybe sometimes hard to discern, but I don't think that a lot of non-believers understand that many Christians don't see themselves as better, only saved...so they simply develop a bitter and judgmental attitude toward Christians.
'nuff for now,
A huge sinner, saved by the only One who could do it, no better than anybody at all, worse than most,
Tim, please don't assume that I am saying that all Christians are like this, I know better. Many are not. I do appreciate the kindness of how you tread on this. I am going to be posting a new blog tomorrow that looks at commitment and Christians keeping their word and all. Truth is, many, fall into this category. My wife and I are struggling with some issues related to this, that I will comment on more tomorrow. I will say, that in my experience, I have come across many Christians with the attitude felt by Big, and many others who don't understand the concept of commitment and their yes being yes, and their no being no. James talks a lot about that second issue.
There is an old saying that goes something like this, "If the shoe fits... " I guess that is where I am coming from. If a Christian or someone who says they are a Christian has a holier than thou attitude, then the above is for you. I realize that many don't but we still, including me in we, need to be careful to not present this image. It don't mean we won't fail, but neither does it excuse us when it does.
The reality is, that many, unknowingly, or uncaringly, act in such a way that there are consequences. Sometimes as innocent as the intent may be, it don't negate the fact that there are huge consequences for actions, and yes, sometimes words.
Again, I appreciate it, but thankfully we're not all Cinderella and the shoe don't always fit.
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