The Turtle or Snail?
One of the things I really don't understand is people who blog, but only allow certain select friends see those blogs. Now don't get me wrong, I understand why on occasion one would want to have private messages be just that, private, but one of the analogies I have often used, is a great song isn't worth very much if people don't have the opportunity to hear it.
I suspect there are different reasons one would choose to be silent in their thoughts and musings. One of them is that they are afraid of what people will think. But this perspective seems to be quite selfish, and in all honesty, quite defeating. In fact, I would encourage people to open up, be themselves, don't worry about what others think. Well at least don't dwell on what others think, I do believe that it is human nature to try and please others, there is a sense of serving others and helping others that we in fact have to unlearn as we are growing up.
Then there are those who for whatever reason choose to live in their own secret world, keeping their close nit group of friends and not welcoming anyone else in. I guess for those, that is okay, but what a lonely life those people must live. I can't imagine never meeting new people, never exploring new territory and new thoughts. I believe the human mind was developed by God to keep on learning, to keep on progressing. It is one of the beautiful things about getting older. I know more because I have experienced and learned more. There is no way I could have done that without coming into more contact with more people.
I also think people are afraid of confrontation. I guess this is a legitimate reason that some keep their thoughts private, but I am saddened that this really says something about the fact that individual human beings can't deal with confrontation. In other words, it is as if we don't have room to disagree without some big argument taking place and we taking the disagreements as personal attacks. I think on this point there is a lot of maturing to take place on the part of humanity. I have learned lessons here more so from the movie reviews I do than anything. It was a great tool to learn that I can disagree about a movie I feel passionately about with someone and still get along with them. Sure I will argue my point, and even at times the attack on my end have become personal, but I learned and grew through that. I know that if I can most anyone else can.
Here is the challenge for all people, if you write, let others read it. If you sing, let others hear the song. If you have a voice, share it with those around you. If you have a life, live it with those you come into contact with. If you breathe, share the air around you with all of those you come into contact with. Life is too short to go through it living in a shell like we are some kind of turtle or snail. Every now again, we have to stick our heads out, take a chance, and shred our shell. It is only as we share in life that we can truly experience the full benefit of life.
Truth is, I try to understand and befriend people, but when I see some that only share with their close interment friends, not only I but anyone else who wants to learn is cut off, maybe I am the problem for wanting to get to know people. I don't know. I do know I have people ask me, how have you developed so many friends? Part of the answer to that is easy, I love music so I have a lot of musical oriented friends, some who are real friends, but the other thing is in reality not easy, but it is worthwhile. I try to be vested in the lives with those I come into contact with, in other words, I try to be a real friend. As I try to pick back up over this week, I have had 4 phone calls, and had to respond to over 30 emails, just this week. I suspect that will increase today as I already know I have two more phone calls today to interact with people, and friends, and will likely have at least another 10 emails to respond to on various things from wrestling to substance abuse. I have never regretted trying to be a friend, well maybe once, but I'll get over it.
I know we aren't all the same, and that is a good thing, but it would be nice if we all tried to get along, and that won't happen unless we are willing to share. We wonder why countries can't get along and stop the violence, maybe; just maybe, we have to learn to do that with each other first. If we can't share and love on a one to one basis, I don't know why we think countries can ever do that. These are just thoughts to ponder for the day. Blessings to you and don't be afraid to open up, I think you might like what you find. There is a beautiful world outside of that shell.
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nice! i concur---preach on brother! (i'm not sure how i found your site, but i see you're also from Wichita...small world, i guess!)
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