Sunday, June 18, 2006

My Father on Fathers Day

Over the years my Father has taught me so much. He has taught me how to be patient when frustrated, how to love, and be kind. Some say I am like a big teddy bear. If I am it is because my Dad taught me how to be kind when I had the tendency to have a pretty bad temper. Some say I am one of the most caring, loving, and caring people they know. I guess if that is true it is because my Dad taught me the benefit of giving to others as opposed to expecting gifts. Don’t get me wrong; my Father has given me gifts beyond belief. I have everything I need, and then some. I have done things because my Father has been there to bless me. I can honestly say there have been times I wanted to go places, see things and who provided a way? My Father.

Dad has been there for a lot of years now to teach me. It hasn’t always been fun, sometimes, well actually, a lot of times, that teaching involved correction. Thankfully, the correction was never abusive or anything of that nature. It was just right, just right to get the point across and help me learn behavior and habits that in the long run brought me joy. If anyone has ever had the perfect Father, I think I have.

Some say they don’t like being around their parents all the time. I think that is true, but I can honestly say, with my Dad I enjoy his company. In fact, I am not with him as much as I would like. I wouldn’t mind spending every moment of every day with him. I spend more time with him than a lot of people spend with their dads, and while I upset at him sometimes, he lets me. He lets me be myself and take it out on him. Then, he gently lets me know the truth about the situation, and lets me know things happen for a reason and while I may not know the reason he does all he can to make sure I am taken care of and that things happen the way they do because he loves me so much.

I could go on and on about the incredible Father I have. There is a point of clarification though. You see my earthly dad was killed in a car accident before I was one-year-old. My mother remarried, her second husband was a hobo and was killed while hopping a train when I was about 4. She remarried a third time; her third husband was abusive to my sister, my mom, and me. Her fourth husband was alcoholic and ended up dying from complications related to alcoholism. I never knew a dad. I left home before I was 14-years-of-age and stayed where ever I could find a place to lay my head. For much of that time I was homeless. While in my last two years of high school I stayed between relatives and friends homes and the YMCA transient center where I lived most of the time. To this day, I don’t know much about any of the men my mother married. What I know about them isn’t the most pleasant things. In reality, I have no idea what a earthly father is other than what my heavenly father has taught me. Despite these difficulties while growing up, along the way, I was adopted, not by a man, but by God.

The Bible is very clear, as was Jesus in his teachings, that God is our father once we become Christians. For those that know me, that see any value in me, or my life. Know that it is because of what my dad did for me, nothing else. I have all I have, am who I am, because of a loving Heavenly Father.

Dad, Happy Fathers Day!

1 John 3: 1-3 – (1) Think how much the Father loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children, as we truly are. But since the people of this world did not know who Christ is, they don't know who we are. (2) My dear friends, we are already God's children, though what we will be hasn't yet been seen. But we do know that when Christ returns, we will be like him, because we will see him as he truly is. (3) This hope makes us keep ourselves holy, just as Christ is holy.

o become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more indepth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately video ipods for viewing and teaching. You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Well here I sit tonight, at home, alone. My wife is out doing a Party Lyte Party, and my son is spending the night with a wrestling friend. He is leaving for our house in Oklahoma tomorrow morning with some friends for the weekend. I go down Monday morning, or Sunday afternoon for a week of R&R and Ministry to the inner city and down and out in the Tulsa area.

Sitting here thinking tonight, “Man I miss the old days.” You know those old days don’t you? The old days of friends that are closer than the keystroke of a computer screen. Going out and getting into trouble, going to a movie, sitting in a parking lot and talking about the world, and all kinds of other things. I remember the conversations on everything from UFO’s to the existence of God. From talking about the problem with girls, or the ways the government was getting one over on us. Yea, these were the conversations that would sometimes go on all night long.

I miss those days, don’t know why, I never did like getting up at 2:00 in the afternoon the next day. Wasn’t especially pleased with waking up with a little headache from having a little too much to drink or smoke. Yet, despite those stupid things I did, I still miss those days.

I think one of the problems now a days is that we take the concept of friendship too lightly. We use the word, but we don’t live the meaning. Yea, I have 400+ friends here on MySpace, some are legit, and some are not. All are acquaintances. For some reason I want more, I think we all do, but maybe I am alone in this.

Tonight I see a post about someone who is thinking about suicide. Yea there is the religious response, you know, the one that says basically get saved and all of your problems will be solved. I wonder what Christian life these people live sometimes. In my 47 years of life now, I just haven’t found that to be true. Life still sucks sometimes, and the truth is I still think Jesus did more than preach to people.

I had an atheist today tell me, “A Christian who don’t want to argue all the time.” Yea, that’s me, never could figure out what that solved anyway. I see the person of Jesus with tax collectors, prostitutes, drunks, the homeless and on and on. I kind of wish I had the car or a good public transport tonight I might just hit up on that idea myself. Not to the full, but at least in the way Jesus did. Yea, friends, are they real? I don’t know, anyone in Wichita want to go out tonight? How about tomorrow night? How about any night?

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: For a more indepth weekly study and conversation you an visit: where you can access deeper teaching and ultimately video ipods for viewing and teaching. You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Howard Hughes & Hope

I just finished watching this incredible movie The Aviator, staring Leonardo DiCaprio. This award winning movie is based on Howard Hughes, infamous for his wealth, movies, and contribution to the world of aviation. As with most DVD’s I loved the special features that go into much more detail about the life and the man of Howard Hughes and his contributions to our world.

To say the least, the man was brilliant. The world today still uses many of his innovations and inventions to make the lives of those living on the planet more comfortable. I never realized the numerous contributions Hughes made and the genius that drove him. The Aviator, if anything was an eye opening experience that saddened me and in many ways helped me think about the concept of hope that comes from salvation.

Mental Illness is a horrible disease when not treated or not recognized. Likely you can see that in no one more than you can the person of Howard Hughes who suffered from the disease called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The disease, while showing symptoms early in life, became more prominent later in his life. It ended up driving him into seclusion and a world of paranoia that few of us can imagine. While the movie focuses in part on this, we never actually see the movie go to the point teh disease eventually did in Hughes life. As I watched the dissolve of this incredible man on screen, I couldn’t help but hurt for him, and be saddened by the complexity of this disease and the harm it brought him.

One of the reasons I felt this way while watching the movie is the appreciation I felt for the man Howard Hughes. Many have scoffed at his instability in his later years, while never fully giving credit to the wonderful work he did in life, or the sacrifices he personally went through in order to obtain the things he did. There were many times in life that he was willing to put his entire savings and life on the line in order to go for a dream, and to make a better world. There was something about the things he was doing that gave him inspiration and hope, something that enabled him to go beyond the typical to accomplish the impossible.

I know, it is true, Hughes had the issues of Mental Illness that drove him to the point of total isolation and paranoia, truth is that at the time he lived, there was no diagnosis for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He was seen as being eccentric by those around him and his foes. It is sad because he didn’t seem to have the ultimate hope or the ultimate solution that could have helped him overcome the disease. Of course, he didn’t have the medications needed and the treatment that is so effective today for individuals with OCD. It is one of the things that for me made the movie so sad.

This morning, as I wake up, and still reflect on the movie, I couldn’t help but think of many friends over the years who suffered from some form of depression, paranoia, or whatever condition that took away their hope. Many of those are no longer here due to a drug overdose, a suicide, or some other event that caused their life to end. The horror and difficulty of hearing about the loss of a loved one under these types of conditions is difficult to deal with. The truth is, the heartache, the confusion, the questions never really go away for those left behind. Yes it is true, sometimes life sucks, but I will tell you, that when a loved one passes on via suicide or escape mechanism like an overdose, the heartache and difficulty never leaves those left behind.

One of the things that makes this so difficult is that all of us see some Howard Hughes in the lives of those we love. It may not be the billions of dollars or massive wealth, but it might be that glimmer of brilliance in an area that few others possess. For me, Steve Hunn was a guy I could talk with and spend time with, he was a true friend. Stann Hamm was a young man who was the finest slide guitar player I ever knew. Larry Smith had this incredible smile and at times, love for God that was unequaled by anyone I ever met. I could unfortunately go on and on.

In my own life, I have told the story where I attempted suicide early on in my life. I have shared that story before so many. It was early on in my Christian faith and the decision came around the hurt involved in the breakup of a girlfriend. I still bare scars on my body from that attempt some 25+ years ago now. Those scars will be with me for the rest of my life, I think as a reminder of the work that God did in my life. Thank God I had a friend who would listen and help me, thank God I wasn’t successful in the three attempts on my life that took place over a 24 hour period. I say that, because, despite the times of depression, the times where I thought it would all be better if it ended, I have come to realize my hope in Christ is bigger and better than any difficulties I face on earth.

There are many scriptures that deal with hope. I would encourage anyone suffering from the lack of hope to visit, go to the keyword search of your favorite translation and type in the word hope, then, read away. You will find many passages that will instruct you on having hope, and of how to increase and improve your hope.

Just one of many that I looked at this morning comes from Romans 15, verses, 3 – 5 – (3) Even Christ did not try to please himself. But as the Scriptures say, "The people who insulted you also insulted me." (4) And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by giving us hope. (5) God is the one who makes us patient and cheerful. I pray that he will help you live at peace with each other, as you follow Christ.

I can see numerous things from this passage, first Christ was insulted, and hurt by others and their insults. I can relate to Christ when I am hurting and having difficulty. I can also look and see from this passage, there is teaching and encouragement in Scripture that will give me hope when things don’t seem to be going positively. From this teaching, encouragement, and hope, God is able to give us a patience and attitude that enables us to carry on, even being happy.

I have found this, and the many other scriptures that deal with hope to be true. Don’t get me wrong, I also believe that in the lives of some people, other factors came into play that could have been addressed by not only scripture but also by the wisdom that God has given humanity. God has given wisdom to enable appropriate counsel, and wisdom to create medications, to perform miracles. I am convinced that if Howard Hughes had lived today instead of the time he did, he would not have suffered to the extent he did because medications have come about that would have controlled his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. There are others I know, even among those mentioned above, that had medications and helps available to them, yet, they refused to access those helps. It is unfortunate, because if they would have, they would still be around.

In closing today, if getting down on yourself, remember there are people who care. There are people who are willing to try and help you. You can make a difference, in your own God given way you are just as brilliant as the person of Howard Hughes. God made you uniquely and beautifully, complete with a purpose and potential. There is hope, hope in the one who gave the gifts, hope in one who gave the life. When times are tough, we could all do well to remember these next verses.

Ephesians 1: 17-20 – (17) I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God. (18) My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all of God's people.

(19) I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used (20) when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven.

To become more a part of The Virtual Pew, visit, To learn more about me visit I am also active on MySpace at: I have another blog at To visit the Hollywood Jesus group at MySpace with membership by numerous Hollywood Jesus reviewers visit: You can contact me via email at or For those interested in knowing more about my own story, contact me for a free e-copy of my book The Keystone Kid in pre-edit form.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Da Vinci

The following is a pre-edit version of an article I did for the magazine, The Christian Leader slated for publication in July of 2006.

You couldn’t turn your head in any direction for the third week in May or most of the year, without seeing or hearing about The Da Vinci Code. The movie has as a part of its plot that Jesus and Mary Magdalene married and ended up having children. This is a belief held by many is actually a recent approach made popular by Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code and the 1982 book, Holy Blood Holy Grail written by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln. Some theories, not contained in the book or movie, claim Christ faked his crucifixion and ended up moving to France with Mary. Many were convinced the movie was going to damage Christianity.

The Da Vinci Code wasn’t just a money maker for Sony and Columbia Pictures; it became big business for the Christian Industry. Many attacked the story portrayed in this fictional work. From videos to books, Christians too advantage of the mêlée, and with resources in hand, many decided to protest theaters across the world.

The truth is the movie just isn’t that good. While opening to the second largest worldwide numbers ever, $224 Million Dollars, the numbers took an incredible dive in week two. Most industry standards state a movie will have legs if it does half its numbers in week two. The Da Vinci Code went from its massive opening numbers to $42.4 Million Dollars in week two. Taking over the number one spot in week two was X-Men III The Last Stand, produced by devout Christian, Ralph Winter who insisted that X-Men III present Christian values and a Christian worldview. By the time this article goes to press it is likely The Da Vinci Code will be showing in discount houses.

Many expressed frustration of those involved. There were complaints about Actor Tom Hanks and Director Ron Howard. “Forest Gump has become the devil,” or “I can’t believe little Opie Taylor would make such a movie.” Suddenly, we had our own expectations of Tom Hanks and Ron Howard.

Christians should know better than expect non Christians to act like Christians. Many have forgotten, we are the light and salt, not non believers or the movie industry. Christians should be making a difference within society, and within the movie industry we can see that outspoken Christians like Ralph Winter, of X-Men III is doing that. Even those making a difference in a positive way though, are the recipients of the attacks we tend to throw at “Hollywood.”

One might assume after seeing all of the press and protests that The Da Vinci Code is the most serious attack on the Church in her 2,000 year history. How soon we forget persecution from the first century, to the French Revolution and from the Reformation to present day in countries like Sudan. The Church has come under attack, yet the Church that Christ said he would build has persevered. One of the strengths of the church is the power of Christ. We serve a God who sees the Church as His bride. God will preserve his Church.

While Christians need to stand for truth regarding the foundations of our faith we should remember two concepts. First, God is the ultimate judge, what we say, and do, we say and do in love with a non condemning attitude. We would do well to remember Matthew 7:1-3 – (1) Don't condemn others, and God won't condemn you. (2) God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them.

(3) You can see the speck in your friend's eye, but you don't notice the log in your own eye.

The second thing is that despite where a person is coming from, without Christ, they will be blind to the truth of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:3-5 – (3) If there is anything hidden about our message, it is hidden only to someone who is lost.

(4) The god who rules this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers. They cannot see the light, which is the good news about our glorious Christ, who shows what God is like. (5) We are not preaching about ourselves. Our message is that Jesus Christ is Lord. He also sent us to be your servants.

Sometimes the overly aggressive nature of those of us in the Church tends to do more harm than good. The immediate reaction to The Da Vinci Code could have been one of those areas. The quick reaction and harsh criticism could have done the very thing we were trying to prevent. That is, create enough public commotion that it drove up the box office numbers. If the quickly declining numbers are an indication of anything, they are an indication that the public just didn’t think the movie was that good. Some may say an answer to prayer; I tend to think a sovereign God whose message continues to stand true.